It's been about 2 months since the last time I did a blog, or even work on my project. However this last week and a half I started up again and am getting stuff done. I've planned out how my scenes will look and I've gotten scale down pretty well (might need a few adjustments). I say scenes because I am going to need an entire setup for the beginning canoe portion, positive of this however is that it will give me time to come up with a title. I have yet to receive anything back about using Father and Son, so I might have to try something new. Along with all of this I have built my table to work on. Got some peg board, 2x4's and C-clamps. Got that all measure and cut at Luke's place using his table saw (thank you Luke). If I couldn't have cut it there I don't know what I would have done. One big thing I have noticed while being in my office is that it is hot as shit!! I keep on forgetting to bring my box fan because if it's this hot without the lights It's going to be a sauna when I have those lights on.

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